Its really dark outside now, maybe due to the fact that the corridor lights are still not on until 7pm.. raining pretty fierce now, it was still looking good during the early afternoon, then suddenly everything changes.. lightning and thunder! rainy season i guess, spoiled my fishing plan ytd, and also the plan for archery later as well.. hope not.. =s
Haven't been feeling all that good nowadays.. no particular reason, just the feel.. changes.. the only thing constant now is change, how everything can be so different in just a matter of months.. really miss alot of things.. missed quite alot too.. =s well, cant turn back time, and i believe everything happens for a reason, be it good or bad, we have to take it and hopefully look on the positive side of it.. how one event can change the whole outlook of that person's life, change his thinking, his perception and everything is amazing.. changes also make you look back and appreciate what you have in front of you now, so many things i realised i've taken for granted for so long, my family, my mum, my dad, my brother, and many many friends.. but nothing is too late i hope, the only thing is whether i'll have the chance.. there's still so much in life that i've not experience and understand.. =)
Having my holidays now! plan to slack it off, relax and see what happens.. either gonna be very eventful or slightly peaceful.. hopefully is slightly peaceful lor.. but nobody know what will happen in the future so just let it come i guess.. =) results i guess wun be that nice, just wanna pass la, please let me pass!! =) hopefully i can sell Cheryl's condo by then, my property life is really taking a downturn, something like the economy.. discipline is required and i have none of that! =s am still in the archery thing but i guess i have to stop after this course as personal equipment is needed to continue further and its gonna cost a cool $900+, dont think my fnancial status will allow me to do that.. just have fun for as long as possible.. yoga still as fun la, i really look forward to every session, very soothing effect, makes me empty my mind totally and feel at peace inside out.. i like and miss that feel.. =)
Pretty much more involved with salsa nowadays, they are a fun bunch, new friends for new course, too bad Tracy couldnt join me, all because of a crazy reason i think.. LOL! i totally didnt see that coming, everything was pretty much a blur.. in the end got a scolding from Sandra for being too insensitive.. women are all crazy creatures, dont disturb them, they bite.. hard.. =p well, at least everything is cleared up right now, which is good because i think Tracy is worthy of a friend, and i've lost too many friends this year alone.. freaky.. not that they die la, just not friends anymore.. darn sad.. this new group of friends from salsa, they are the working adult bunch, i'm the little boy in the group, can u believe it, little boy! hahahh.. and we're an international group too! i'm the only chinese and worse of all with bad english in the group now.. =s improving nonetheless.. LOL!! =s cool people and i'm guessing the group is gonna get bigger as we go! all pretty ladies too! well, i guess handsome guys and pretty ladies do get along.. =p hahahha!!

Am going for the archery class now.. practice more! =) hopefully i'll get to come back more often to update more on my boring life.. =s good luck to everyone on everything.. smile as usual and always.. always look on the positive side of things.. =) oh! before i forget,
Happy Brithday to Phyllis! =)
I have yet to accept changes as gracefully as i want to... but i believe u can do better than me. Jia you lah!
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